Hi, my name is Wolfgang Vogl
and I am a webdeveloper from Salzburg (Austria). On this site you will find some projects of mine. On my Blog I post some tech stuff about technologies like Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, node.js and so on.

If you have any questions about me or my work, don't hesitate to write me an email @mail

You can also find me on:
github twitter Google+ xing linkedin



Barefoot is a multiplayer fun racer where players have to build their creatures, before they run against other players or the AI. Depending on which body parts a user has chosen, the creature has different powerups and different movement behavior.

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Anton is an interactive exhibition at the Residenzgalerie Salzburg, which is a museum with a focus on baroque paintings. The exhibition was implemented by students of the master degree courses Multimedia Art and Multimedia Technology.

Gregor Sams | Thomas Mulitzer
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Twitter Sentiment Map

In the subject Visual Analytics we had to team up and create some sort of creative visualization app. We created a node.js server based on the twitter streaming api to get smileys from tweets. Based on a Sentiment count the map gets colored.

Franz Torghele
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Vision Globe

In a research project for the department Multimedia Technology on the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg, I developed a Node.js app, that allows multiple people to controll the Vision Globe of the Company EoVision from a Webinterface.

Franz Torghele | Andreas Ortner
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A Multiplayer Clone of the casual video game Snake.
This Game is written in JavaScript in combination with a couple of Frameworks like Node.js and Socket.IO. The current state of the game is drawn on the HTML5 Canvas Element.

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wissenteilen.com is a collaborative consumption webplatform for skillsharing. It was created in collaboration of the bachelor degree courses Multimedia Art and Multimedia Technology.

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Dinner Collective

Dinner Collective is a collaborative consumption web project. The idea was that people can eat fresh cooked food from others and also provide food to others, to safe money and meet people in their neighborhood.

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Autohaus Macherhammer

This Website is for a local used car company in my hometown Anthering. I did the photography and webdevelopment for this site.

Manuel Lehermayr
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Conway's Game of Life

This simple JavaScript Game is a Clone of John Horton Conway's Game of Life. This simple no Player Game uses the HTML5 Canvas Element for drawing the current state of the game.

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Snups is a Fotosharing Platform. It was created in collaboration of the bachelor degree courses Multimedia Art and Multimedia Technology.

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Scientific Work:

Accuracy of sleep measurement with Android smartphones.

In my master thesis I discussed the opportunities of modern Android smartphones for the measurement of human sleep. I compared and evaluated the smartphone data with the data of the laboratory for "Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness Research" from the university of Salzburg at the department of psychology.

Usage of databases with the Rails Framework

In my second bachelor thesis I discussed the usage of the relational database MySQL compared to the document oriented database MongoDB. I built two webapplications with the same features, one with MongoDB and one with MySQL. Both of the application were built with the Rails framework.

NoSQL databases for community webapplications

In my first bachelor thesis I discussed the usage of the wide column store (NoSQL) database Cassandra for creating community webapplications. In my thesis I used the Rails Framework and compared the Cassandra based application to a regular MySQL based application.